
Starter code for the Duke project

This project is maintained by Denise-Ng

User Guide for DingDing the Chat Bot

1. Introduction

DingDing the chat bot is a personal chat bot that helps you manage your everyday tasks!

Screenshot of DingDing

2. Quick Start

Download the latest version of the jar file e.g. Duke-v2.0.jar from the repository.

Windows OS

Simply double-click on the jar file to get started!

If not, Open your command prompt. Then enter

java -jar {location of the downloaded jar file} 

For example,

java -jar Documents/Downloads/Duke-v2.0.jar

Mac OS

Open your terminal. Then enter

java -jar {location of the downloaded jar file} 

For example,

java -jar ~/Desktop/Downloads/Duke-v2.0.jar

3. Features

3.1 bye - Closes Ding Ding

Closes Ding Ding the Chat Bot.

Example of usage: bye

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a goodbye message such as:

See you later alligator! 

and chat Bot closes.

3.2 date - Shows the tasks on Date

Shows all tasks on that Date.

Example of usage: date {Date} shows the task(s) on the Date.

date 2020/3/2

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a list of tasks on that date such as:

The task(s) you have on 2020/3/2:
 [E][X] Meeting with CS2103T group (at:2 Mar 2020 12:00PM)
 [D][X] finish CS2103T tutorial (by:2 Mar 2020 11:59PM)
 [T][X] Laundry

3.3 deadline - Creates a deadline task

Creates a deadline task with the relevant details and adds it into your list of tasks.

Example of usage: deadline {Description} /by {Date}{Time} creates a deadline with specified Date and Time. deadline {Description} /by {Date} creates deadline with specified Date only. deadline {Description} /by {Time} creates a deadline with today’s Date specified Time.

deadline finish CS2103T tutorial /by 2020/3/2 23:59

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a confirmation message such as:

Alright! Task added:
  [D][x] finish CS2103T tutorial (at:2 Mar 2020 11:59PM)
Now have 2 task(s) in your list!

3.4 delete - Deletes the task

Deletes the task corresponding to the specified number in the task list.

Example of usage: delete {task number} deletes the task with the task number on the task list.

delete 1

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a confirmation message such as:

Okay! Task removed:
  [T][Y] Laundry
Now you have 2 task(s) in your list!

3.5 done - Marks a task as done

Marks the task corresponding to the specified number in the task list as done.

Example of usage: done {task number} marks the task with the task number on the task list as done.

done 1

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a confirmation message such as: 
Nice! Task marked as done:
  [E][Y] Meeting with CS2103T group (at:2 Mar 2020 12:00PM)

3.6 event - Creates an Event task

Creates an event task with the relevant details and adds it into your list of tasks.

Example of usage: event {Description} /at {Date}{Time} creates an event with specified Date and Time. event {Description} /at {Date} creates an event with specified Date only. event {Description} /at {Time} creates an event with today’s Date specified Time.

event Meeting with CS2103T group /at 2020/3/2 12:00

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a confirmation message such as:

Alright! Task added:
  [E][x] Meeting with CS2103T group (at:2 Mar 2020 12:00PM)
Now have 3 task(s) in your list!

3.7 find - Finds task(s) with keyword(s)

Finds all tasks(s) containing the keyword(s).

Example of usage: find {keywords} finds all the task(s) containing the keywords.

find meeting tutorial

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a confirmation message such as: 
Task(s) with keyword meeting tutorial:
  [E][Y] Meeting with CS2103T group (at:2 Mar 2020 12:00PM)
  [D][x] finish CS2103T tutorial (at:2 Mar 2020 11:59PM)

3.8 help - Shows the help message

Shows the help message if you forgot the commands/ usage of the commands.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Help is here! Here is a list of keywords that I understand:
p.s. Date & Time are in <YYYY/M/D> & <HH:MM> format respectively.
<Command>   <Details>                     <Bot's Action>
bye                                       Terminates DingDing
date        <Date>                        Shows tasks on Date
deadline    <Details> /by <Date> <Time>   Creates a Deadline with details, date & time
deadline    <Details> /by <Time>          Creates a Deadline details, today's date & time
deadline    <Details> /by <Date>          Creates a Deadline details & date
event       <Details> /by <Date> <Time>   Creates an Event task with details, date & time
event       <Details> /by <Time>          Creates an Event task with details, today's date & time
event       <Details> /by <Date>          Creates an Event task with details & date
todo        <Details>                     Creates a Todo task with Details
delete      <Task Number>                 Deletes the task of task number
done        <Task Number>                 Marks the corresponding task number
find        <Keyword(s)>                  Shows all tasks with keyword(s)
help                                      Shows help message
list                                      Shows the list of tasks

3.9 list - Shows your list of task(s)

Show your list of task(s).

Example of usage:


Expected outcome: Bot replies with a confirmation message such as:

Task(s) in your list:
  1. [E][Y] Meeting with CS2103T group (at:2 Mar 2020 12:00PM)
  2. [D][X] finish CS2103T tutorial (at:2 Mar 2020 11:59PM)
  3. [T][Y] Laundry

3.10 todo - Creates a Todo task

Creates a todo task with the relevant details and adds it into your list of tasks.

Example of usage:

todo Laundry

Expected outcome:

Bot replies with a confirmation message such as:

Alright! Task added:
  [T][x] Laundry
Now have 1 task(s) in your list!

4. Summary of all the Commands

Keywords Description Example Usage
bye Closes Ding Ding bye
date Shows the tasks on Date. date 2020/3/2
deadline Creates a deadline task deadline finish CS2103T tutorial /by 2020/3/2 23:59
delete Deletes the task delete 1
done Marks a task as done done 1
event Creates an Event task event Meeting with CS2103T group /at 2020/3/2 12:00
find Finds task(s) with keyword(s) find meeting tutorial
help Shows the help message help
list Shows your list of task(s) list
todo Creates a todo task todo Laundry